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Showing posts with label C Program to Check whether 2 Lists are Same. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C Program to Check whether 2 Lists are Same. Show all posts

Check whether 2 linked Lists are Same

compare two linked lists java
compare two linked lists c++
compare two linked lists hackerrank solution
check if two linked lists are equal java
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C Program to Check whether 2 Lists are Same 

#include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 struct node { int num; struct node *next; };
 void feedmember(struct node **);
int compare (struct node *, struct node *);
 void release(struct node **);
 int main()
 { struct node *p = NULL;
 struct node *q = NULL;
 int result; printf("Enter data into first list\n");
printf("Enter data into second list\n");
 feedmember(&q); result = compare(p, q);
if (result == 1)
{ printf("The 2 list are equal.\n"); }
 else { printf("The 2 lists are unequal.\n"); }

 release (&p); release (&q); return 0; }
int compare (struct node *p, struct node *q)
 { while (p != NULL && q != NULL)
{ if (p->num != q-> num) { return 0; }
 else { p = p->next; q = q->next; } }
 if (p != NULL || q != NULL) { return 0; }
 else { return 1; }
void feedmember (struct node **head)
 { int c, ch; struct node *temp;
 do { printf("Enter number: "); scanf("%d", &c); temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = c; temp->next = *head; *head = temp; printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0]: "); scanf("%d", &ch); }  while (ch != 0); printf("\n"); } void release (struct node **head) { struct node *temp = *head; while ((*head) != NULL) { (*head) = (*head)->next; free(temp); temp = *head; } }

  • compare two linked lists java
  • compare two linked lists c++
  • compare two linked lists hackerrank solution
  • check if two linked lists are equal java
  • how to compare two nodes in linked list java
  • how would you detect a loop in a linked list?
  • how will you implement three stacks with one array?
  • merge two sorted linked lists

C Program example List