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C program using nested marcro

nested macro calls in system programming,nested macro calls are expanded using the,nested macro calls with example,nested macro calls in system software,nested macro expansion,nested macro c program for macro assembler,c program for macro expansion,c program for macro processor,c program to implement macro,macro program in c language,macro in c programming example,macro in c language pdf,macro in c language definition

c program for macro assembler,c program for macro expansion,c program for macro processor,c program to implement macro,macro program in c language,macro in c programming example,macro in c language pdf,macro in c language definition

C program using nested macro,

 c program using macro with argument, 

c program to pint square of a number using macro,

 c program to print cube of number using micro

#define NO no
#define SQUARE(x) (x*x)
#define CUBE (SQUARE(NO)*NO)
void main()
int no;
printf("Enter the number=");

printf("\n\nThe square of %d is= %d",no,SQUARE(no));
printf("\n\nThe cube of %d is= %d",no,CUBE);

C program using nested macro,

 c program using macro with argument, 

c program to pint square of a number using macro,

 c program to print cube of number using micro

nested macro calls in system programming,nested macro calls are expanded using the,nested macro calls with example,nested macro calls in system software,nested macro expansion,nested macro c program for macro assembler,c program for macro expansion,c program for macro processor,c program to implement macro,macro program in c language,macro in c programming example,macro in c language pdf,macro in c language definition

C Program example List