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C Program example to count the number of vowels in given string

C Program to count the number of vowels in given string ,

C Program accept the character and find the occurrence in given string and count frequency,

C Program to count the number of vowels in given string


int vowel (int len);

int main ()
int ans1, ans2, len;

clrscr ();

printf ("Enter your string: ");
gets (str);

len = strlen (str);

ans1 = vowel (len);

printf ("Total vowels are: %d", ans1);

getch ();
return (0);

int vowel (int len)
int count;

if (len == 1)
          return count;

else if (str[len-1] == 'A' || str[len-1] == 'a' || str[len-1] == 'E' || str[len-1] == 'e' || str[len-1] == 'I' || str[len-1] == 'i' || str[len-1] == 'O' || str[len-1] == 'o' || str[len-1] == 'U' || str[len-1] == 'u')

          vowel (len-1);

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