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calculate sum of all array element by using dynamic array

calculate sum of all array element by using dynamic array,sum of elements in an array java,c program to find sum of array elements,write a program to find the sum of the corresponding elements in 2 arrays,c program to find sum of array elements using functions,c program to find sum of array elements using recursion,c program to find sum of array elements using pointers,wap to sort an array using pointers,using c language, 

void main()
int *p,i,n,sum=0;
printf("Enter the size of an array=");
printf("\n\nEnter %d number",i+1);
sum=sum+ *p+i;
printf("\n\n\nSum of Array is= %d",sum);

calculate sum of all array element by using dynamic array,sum of elements in an array java,c program to find sum of array elements,write a program to find the sum of the corresponding elements in 2 arrays,c program to find sum of array elements using functions,c program to find sum of array elements using recursion,c program to find sum of array elements using pointers,wap to sort an array using pointers,using c language, 

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