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Showing posts with label C Structure Program to Store Information of Students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C Structure Program to Store Information of Students. Show all posts

structure for student

 structure for student 

struct student
char name[20];
int roll,age; };

int main()
 { struct student s;   
printf("\nEnter the details of the student:\n"); 
scanf("%s %d %d" , s.name , &s.roll , &s.age); 
printf("\nThe details of the student is as follows\n"); 
printf("\n %s \n %d \n %d", s.name , s.roll, s.age);   
return 0; }

     You can also find structure program 

  • C Structure Program to Store Information of Students Using 
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  • c program using structure array
  • c program for student details using files

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