Type def in c ,what is Type def in c programming explain example with source code,where Type def used,advantages of Type def ,example of Type def with source code c programming
typedef keyword used to create new data type name to given structure in c.
in following program we have declare stucture stud as using keyword struct stud followed by definition of that structure .
when you want to create a veritable of struct stud type you have to use following line
struct stud s1;
i.e. you have created variable s1 having type struct stud;
every time whenever you want to declare a variable of structure you have to use struct stud
by using typedef keyword you can define your own name and by using that name you can declare a variable as shown in following program .
i have defined mca as data type using typedef as
typedef struct stud mca;
as after using this line i have declare new variable s1 using mca as followes
mca s1;
struct stud{ int rno;
char nm[20];
void pr(struct stud *); //fn declaration
void main()
//struct stud s1;
typedef struct stud mca;
mca s1;
printf("enter structure element : \n ");
void pr(struct stud *s)
printf("id=%d Name=%s",s->rno,s->nm);