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C program to find occurrence of the

accept string and find out how many times the is occurred, c program to find the occurrence of a character in a string,c program to find the occurrence of a word in a string,program to find occurrence of a character in a string in java,c program to count number of characters in a string,c program to find the occurrence of a character in a string in c,c program to find frequency of characters in a string,c program to search a character in a string,c program to count number of characters in a string using pointers

void main()
char ch[50];
int i,word=0;
printf("\nEnter the string=");
if(((ch[i]=='t')||(ch[i]=='T'))&&ch[i+1]=='h'&&ch[i+2]=='e'&&ch[i+3]==' ')

printf("\n\n\"The\" word occured %d times.",word);

accept string and find out how many times the is occurred, c program to find the occurrence of a character in a string,c program to find the occurrence of a word in a string,program to find occurrence of a character in a string in java,c program to count number of characters in a string,c program to find the occurrence of a character in a string in c,c program to find frequency of characters in a string,c program to search a character in a string,c program to count number of characters in a string using pointers

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