add two numbers represented by linked lists
add two linked lists c++
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add two numbers represented by linked lists c++
C Program to Add Corresponding Positioned Elements of 2 Linked Lists
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
struct node { int num; struct node *next; };
int feednumber(struct node **);
struct node *addlist(struct node *, struct node *, int, int);
void release(struct node **);
void display(struct node *);
int main() { struct node *p = NULL; struct node *q = NULL; struct node *res = NULL; int pcount = 0, qcount = 0; printf("Enter first number\n");
pcount = feednumber(&p);
printf("Enter second number\n");
qcount = feednumber(&q);
printf("Displaying list1: ");
display(p); printf("Displaying list2: ");
display(q); res = addlist(p, q, pcount, qcount);
printf("Displaying the resulting list: ");
display(res); release(&p); release(&q); release(&res); return 0; }
/*Function to create nodes of numbers*/
int feednumber(struct node **head)
{ char ch, dig; int count = 0; struct node *temp, *rear = NULL;
ch = getchar();
while (ch != '\n') { dig = atoi(&ch);
temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = dig; temp->next = NULL;
if ((*head) == NULL) { *head = temp; rear = temp; }
else { rear->next = temp; rear = rear->next; }
ch = getchar(); } return count; }
/*Function to display the list of numbers*/
void display (struct node *head)
{ while (head != NULL) { printf("%d", head->num); head = head->next; }
printf("\n"); } /*Function to free the allocated list of numbers*/
void release (struct node **head)
{ struct node *temp = *head; while ((*head) != NULL)
{ (*head) = (*head)->next; free(temp); temp = *head; } }
/*Function to add the list of numbers and store them in 3rd list*/
struct node *addlist(struct node *p, struct node *q, int pcount, int qcount)
struct node *ptemp, *qtemp, *result = NULL, *temp; int i, carry = 0;
while (pcount != 0 && qcount != 0)
{ ptemp = p; qtemp = q; for (i = 0; i < pcount - 1; i++)
{ ptemp = ptemp->next; } for (i = 0; i < qcount - 1; i++)
{ qtemp = qtemp->next; } temp = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = ptemp->num + qtemp->num + carry;
carry = temp->num / 10; temp->num = temp->num % 10; temp->next = result; result = temp; pcount--; qcount--; } /*both or one of the 2 lists have been read completely by now*/ while (pcount != 0) { ptemp = p; for (i = 0; i < pcount - 1; i++) { ptemp = ptemp->next; }
temp = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = ptemp->num + carry; carry = temp->num / 10;
temp->num = temp->num % 10; temp->next = result; result = temp; pcount--; }
while (qcount != 0) { qtemp = q; for (i = 0; i < qcount - 1; i++)
{ qtemp = qtemp->next; }
temp = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = qtemp->num + carry; carry = temp->num / 10;
temp->num = temp->num % 10;
temp->next = result; result = temp; qcount--; }
return result; }