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Structure salary program

 Program to Calculate the salary for Employee using Structure c program example

struct Employee
char name[20];
int id,basic;
float salary; };
int main()
{ struct Employee e;
float ta,da,hra;
printf("\nEnter the details of the Employee\n");
scanf("\n%s %d %d",e.name,&e.id,&e.basic); ta=0.2 * e.basic; da=0.4 * e.basic; hra=0.15 * e.basic; e.salary=e.basic + ta +da + hra;
printf("\nthe details of the employee are\n");
printf("\n %s \n %d \n %.2f \n",e.name ,e.id ,e.salary);
return 0; }

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  • employee salary calculation program in c
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