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C program to find bigger of two numbers using parameter macro with ternary operators

C program to find bigger of two numbers using  parameter  macro with ternary operators 
C program to find bigger of two numbers using  parameter  macro using ternary operators 
C program to find largest of two numbers using  parameter  macro with ternary operators 
C program to find  largest  of two numbers using  parameter  macro using ternary operators 
C program to find Maximum of two numbers using  parameter  macro with ternary operators 
C program to find Maximum t  of two numbers using  parameter  macro using ternary operators

#define NO1(x,y)(x>y?x:y)
void main()
int n1,n2,ans;
printf("\n\nEnter First number=");
printf("\n\nEnter Second number=");
printf("\n\nThe Bigger number is=%d",ans);

C program to find bigger of two numbers using  parameter  macro with ternary operators 
C program to find bigger of two numbers using  parameter  macro using ternary operators 
C program to find largest of two numbers using  parameter  macro with ternary operators 
C program to find  largest  of two numbers using  parameter  macro using ternary operators 
C program to find Maximum of two numbers using  parameter  macro with ternary operators 
C program to find Maximum t  of two numbers using  parameter  macro using ternary operators

C Program example List