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Showing posts with label c program using structure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label c program using structure. Show all posts

how to disply structure element with example

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void main()
struct stud
float rno;

char name[10];
int m1,m2,m3;
} s[50];
int i;
printf("enter data of five student=");
printf("enter roll no=");
printf("enter name of student=");
printf("enter mark of three subj=\n");
printf("\n\n\n\t\t college of IMSCDR");
printf("\n\t roll no=%f",s[i].rno);
printf("\n\t name of student=%s",s[i].name);
printf("\n\t marks of 1st subj\t\t=%d",s[i].m1);
printf("\n\t marks of 2nd subj\t\t=%d",s[i].m2);
printf("\n\t marks of 3rd subj\t\t=%d",s[i].m3);
printf("\n\n\t\t\t\t press any key to continue....");

void link1()

float x, *ptr=&x;


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C Program example List