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Showing posts with label convert sorted list to binary search tree sorted array to balanced bst convert sorted array to binary search tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label convert sorted list to binary search tree sorted array to balanced bst convert sorted array to binary search tree. Show all posts

Construct a Balanced Binary Search Tree

C Program to Construct a Balanced Binary Search Tree which has same data members as the given Doubly Linked List 

#include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
struct node { int num; struct node *left; struct node *right; };
void create(struct node **);
 void treemaker(struct node **, int);
void display(struct node *);
void displayTree(struct node *);
 void ddelete(struct node **);

 int main()
{ struct node *headList = NULL, *rootTree,
 int count = 1, flag = 0;
 printf("Displaying the doubly linked list:\n");
 rootTree = p = headList;
 while (p->right != NULL)
{ p = p->right; count = count + 1;
if (flag) { rootTree = rootTree->right; }
 flag = !flag; } treemaker(&rootTree, count / 2);
 printf("Displaying the tree: (Inorder)\n"); displayTree(rootTree);
 printf("\n"); return 0; } void create(struct node **head)
 { struct node *rear, *temp; int a, ch; do { printf("Enter a number: ");
 scanf("%d", &a); temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = a; temp->right = NULL;
 temp->left = NULL;
if (*head == NULL)
{ *head = temp; }
 else { rear->right = temp; temp->left = rear; }
 rear = temp; printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0] ?: "); scanf("%d", &ch); } 
 while (ch != 0); } void treemaker(struct node **root, int count)
{ struct node *quarter, *thirdquarter;
 int n = count, i = 0;
 if ((*root)->left != NULL)
 { quarter = (*root)->left; for (i = 1; (i < count / 2) && (quarter->left != NULL); i++)
 { quarter = quarter->left; }
(*root)->left->right = NULL; (*root)->left = quarter;

/* * Uncomment the following line to see when the pointer changes */ //

printf("%d's left child is now %d\n", (*root)->num, quarter->num);
 if (quarter != NULL)
{ treemaker(&quarter, count / 2); } }
  if ((*root)->right != NULL)
 { thirdquarter = (*root)->right;
for (i = 1; (i < count / 2) && (thirdquarter->right != NULL); i++)
{ thirdquarter = thirdquarter->right; } (*root)->right->left = NULL; (*root)->right = thirdquarter;

/* * Uncomment the following line to see when the pointer changes */ /
/printf("%d's right child is now %d\n", (*root)->num, thirdquarter->num);
 if (thirdquarter != NULL)
{ treemaker(&thirdquarter, count / 2); } } }
 void display(struct node *head)
{ while (head != NULL)
{ printf("%d ", head->num);
 head = head->right; }
/*DisplayTree performs inorder traversal*/

 void displayTree(struct node *root)
 { if (root != NULL) { displayTree(root->left);
printf("%d ", root->num); displayTree(root->right); } }

void ddelete(struct node **root)
{ if (*root != NULL) { displayTree((*root)->left);
free(*root); }


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