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Construct a Balanced Binary Search Tree

C Program to Construct a Balanced Binary Search Tree which has same data members as the given Doubly Linked List 

#include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
struct node { int num; struct node *left; struct node *right; };
void create(struct node **);
 void treemaker(struct node **, int);
void display(struct node *);
void displayTree(struct node *);
 void ddelete(struct node **);

 int main()
{ struct node *headList = NULL, *rootTree,
 int count = 1, flag = 0;
 printf("Displaying the doubly linked list:\n");
 rootTree = p = headList;
 while (p->right != NULL)
{ p = p->right; count = count + 1;
if (flag) { rootTree = rootTree->right; }
 flag = !flag; } treemaker(&rootTree, count / 2);
 printf("Displaying the tree: (Inorder)\n"); displayTree(rootTree);
 printf("\n"); return 0; } void create(struct node **head)
 { struct node *rear, *temp; int a, ch; do { printf("Enter a number: ");
 scanf("%d", &a); temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = a; temp->right = NULL;
 temp->left = NULL;
if (*head == NULL)
{ *head = temp; }
 else { rear->right = temp; temp->left = rear; }
 rear = temp; printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0] ?: "); scanf("%d", &ch); } 
 while (ch != 0); } void treemaker(struct node **root, int count)
{ struct node *quarter, *thirdquarter;
 int n = count, i = 0;
 if ((*root)->left != NULL)
 { quarter = (*root)->left; for (i = 1; (i < count / 2) && (quarter->left != NULL); i++)
 { quarter = quarter->left; }
(*root)->left->right = NULL; (*root)->left = quarter;

/* * Uncomment the following line to see when the pointer changes */ //

printf("%d's left child is now %d\n", (*root)->num, quarter->num);
 if (quarter != NULL)
{ treemaker(&quarter, count / 2); } }
  if ((*root)->right != NULL)
 { thirdquarter = (*root)->right;
for (i = 1; (i < count / 2) && (thirdquarter->right != NULL); i++)
{ thirdquarter = thirdquarter->right; } (*root)->right->left = NULL; (*root)->right = thirdquarter;

/* * Uncomment the following line to see when the pointer changes */ /
/printf("%d's right child is now %d\n", (*root)->num, thirdquarter->num);
 if (thirdquarter != NULL)
{ treemaker(&thirdquarter, count / 2); } } }
 void display(struct node *head)
{ while (head != NULL)
{ printf("%d ", head->num);
 head = head->right; }
/*DisplayTree performs inorder traversal*/

 void displayTree(struct node *root)
 { if (root != NULL) { displayTree(root->left);
printf("%d ", root->num); displayTree(root->right); } }

void ddelete(struct node **root)
{ if (*root != NULL) { displayTree((*root)->left);
free(*root); }


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