Sorted insert for circular linked list
C Program to Convert a given Singly Linked List to a Circular List
C program to convert a singly linked list to circular
c++ - How to convert singly linked list to circular list
c - Conversion from single to circular linked list
Sorted insert for circular linked list
C Program to Convert a given Singly Linked List to a Circular List
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
struct node { int num; struct node *next; };
void create(struct node **);
void tocircular(struct node **);
void release(struct node **);
void display(struct node *);
int main() {
struct node *p = NULL;
int result, count;
printf("Enter data into the list\n");
printf("Circular list generated\n");
display(p); release (&p); return 0; }
void tocircular(struct node **p)
{ struct node *rear; rear = *p; while (rear->next != NULL)
{ rear = rear->next; } rear->next = *p; /*After this the singly linked list is now circular*/ }
void create(struct node **head)
{ int c, ch; struct node *temp; do
{ printf("Enter number: ");
scanf("%d", &c); temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = c; temp->next = *head; *head = temp;
printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0]: ");
scanf("%d", &ch); }
while (ch != 0); printf("\n");
void display(struct node *head)
{ struct node *temp = head;
printf("Displaying the list elements\n");
printf("%d\t", temp->num);
temp = temp->next;
while (head != temp)
{ printf("%d\t", temp->num);
temp = temp->next; }
printf("and back to %d\t%d ..\n", temp->num, temp->next->num); }
void release(struct node **head)
{ struct node *temp = *head; temp = temp->next;
(*head)->next = NULL;
(*head) = temp->next;
while ((*head) != NULL) {
free(temp); temp = *head;
(*head) = (*head)->next; }