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Showing posts with label algorithm to count the number of nodes in linked list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label algorithm to count the number of nodes in linked list. Show all posts

count no of occurrences in linked list using recursion

write a program to count the number of times an item is present in a linked list.
count nodes in linked list c++
algorithm to count the number of nodes in linked list
how to count the number of nodes in a linked list java
linked list count java
count the number of nodes in a circular linked list
c program to find the occurrence of a digit in a number
wap to reverse the elements in a single linked list.

Program to count no of occurrences in linked list using recursion

 #include <stdio.h>
void occur(int [], int, int, int, int *);
 int main()
{ int size, key, count = 0;
int list[20]; int i;
 printf("Enter the size of the list: ");
scanf("%d", &size);111
 printf("Printing the list:\n");
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
{ printf("\nenter the %d element\n",i+1);
 for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
 printf("%d ", list[i]);
 printf("\nEnter the key to find it's occurence: ");

scanf("%d", &key);
 occur(list, size, 0, key, &count);
printf("%d occurs for %d times.\n", key, count);
 return 0;

void occur(int list[], int size, int index, int key, int *count)
 if (size == index)
 if (list[index] == key) { *count += 1;
 occur(list, size, index + 1, key, count);

  • write a program to count the number of times an item is present in a linked list.
  • count nodes in linked list c++
  • algorithm to count the number of nodes in linked list
  • how to count the number of nodes in a linked list java
  • linked list count java
  • count the number of nodes in a circular linked list
  • c program to find the occurrence of a digit in a number
  • wap to reverse the elements in a single linked list.

C Program example List