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C programming Pointer Basic

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Learn and Understand Pointer Basic 

Click here Pointer Basic Notes Pdf Download

Definition of pointer: Pointers are variable but different than normal variable because it store address of another variable.
How to declare Pointer variable and how it works
You must know two operators
Value at
Address of
We can declare pointer variable using * asterisk symbol
Int * ptr, a=5;
Here * ptr is pointer declaration, a is common integer variable to understand this concept lets execute simple program
void main()
{   int * ptr, a;
  printf(“a=%d”, a);
  printf(“&a=%d”,& a);
  printf(“ptr=%d”, ptr);
  printf(“&ptr=%d”,& ptr);
 After execution of this program what is result
Output is like this
a= -20476
Ptr = 12803

 Let’s see explanation of this program
Output shows garbage values and cell address of variable
As in our program we don’t have initialized variable I, e, a and pointer that’s why this result came.
As shown in figure
In computer memory cell will allocated as follows
Each cell has address i. e number value 

As shown
a= -20476                  &a=-12
ptr = 12803             &ptr=-14
As ptr is pointer variable it will point to something we didn’t yet initialized ptr so by default it is pointing to some garbage value that’s why this output come.
 Lets we initialize pointer and variable pointer a
void main()
{ int a,*ptr;
  printf(" \n \t after initialization");
     a=5;     ptr=&a;
 printf("\n \t\ta=%d",a);
 printf("\n \t\t&a=%d",&a);
 printf("\n \t\tptr= %d",ptr);
 printf("\n \t\t*ptr=%d",*ptr);
 printf("\n \t\t&ptr= %d",&ptr);
  printf("\n \t\t*(*(&ptr))= %d",*(*(&ptr)));

As we use & to initialize pointer as follows
a=5, ptr=&a;
Let’s see memory structure

 Before initialization

After initialization

In above diagram  lets we check the output of some printf statements


*(&ptr)=-12  eg. (*(-14))=-12

To print the address of any variable of type pointer which thing we should use

%u treats the integer as unsigned, whereas
 %d treats the integer as signed. 

If the integer is between 0 an INT_MAX (which is 231-1 on 32-bit systems), then the output is identical for both cases.

It only makes a difference if the integer is negative (for signed inputs) or between INT_MAX+1 and UINT_MAX (e.g. between 231 and 232-1).  In that case, if you use the %d specifier, you'll get a negative number, whereas if you use %u, you'll get a large positive number.

Pointer Basic Notes Pdf Download

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C Program example List