C Program to implement two stacks using single array and detect overflow and underflow
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 10 int ar[SIZE];
int top1 = -1; int top2 = SIZE;
void push_stack1 (int data)
{ if (top1 < top2 - 1) { ar[++top1] = data; } else { printf ("Stack Full! Cannot Push\n"); } } void push_stack2 (int data) { if (top1 < top2 - 1) { ar[--top2] = data; } else { printf ("Stack Full! Cannot Push\n"); } }
void pop_stack1 () { if (top1 >= 0) { int popped_value = ar[top1--]; printf ("%d is being popped from Stack 1\n", popped_value); } else { printf ("Stack Empty! Cannot Pop\n"); } } void pop_stack2 () { if (top2 < SIZE) { int popped_value = ar[top2++]; printf ("%d is being popped from Stack 2\n", popped_value); } else { printf ("Stack Empty! Cannot Pop\n"); } } void print_stack1 () { int i; for (i = top1; i >= 0; --i) { printf ("%d ", ar[i]); } printf ("\n"); } void print_stack2 () { int i; for (i = top2; i < SIZE; ++i) { printf ("%d ", ar[i]); } printf ("\n"); }
int main()
{ int ar[SIZE]; int i; int num_of_ele; printf ("We can push a total of 10 values\n"); for (i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) { push_stack1 (i); printf ("Value Pushed in Stack 1 is %d\n", i); } for (i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { push_stack2 (i); printf ("Value Pushed in Stack 2 is %d\n", i); } print_stack1 (); print_stack2 (); printf ("Pushing Value in Stack 1 is %d\n", 11); push_stack1 (11); num_of_ele = top1 + 1; while (num_of_ele) { pop_stack1 (); --num_of_ele; } pop_stack1 (); return 0; }
OUTPUT:- -------------------------
We can push a total of 10 values Value Pushed in Stack 1 is 1 Value Pushed in Stack 1 is 2 Value Pushed in Stack 1 is 3 Value Pushed in Stack 1 is 4 Value Pushed in Stack 1 is 5 Value Pushed in Stack 1 is 6 Value Pushed in Stack 2 is 1 Value Pushed in Stack 2 is 2 Value Pushed in Stack 2 is 3 Value Pushed in Stack 2 is 4 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Pushing Value in Stack 1 is 11 Stack Full! Cannot Push 6 is being popped from Stack 1 5 is being popped from Stack 1 4 is being popped from Stack 1 3 is being popped from Stack 1 2 is being popped from Stack 1 1 is being popped from Stack 1 Stack Empty! Cannot Pop