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Showing posts with label Structure salary program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Structure salary program. Show all posts

Structure salary program

 Program to Calculate the salary for Employee using Structure c program example

struct Employee
char name[20];
int id,basic;
float salary; };
int main()
{ struct Employee e;
float ta,da,hra;
printf("\nEnter the details of the Employee\n");
scanf("\n%s %d %d",e.name,&e.id,&e.basic); ta=0.2 * e.basic; da=0.4 * e.basic; hra=0.15 * e.basic; e.salary=e.basic + ta +da + hra;
printf("\nthe details of the employee are\n");
printf("\n %s \n %d \n %.2f \n",e.name ,e.id ,e.salary);
return 0; }

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