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What is bit field operator? Explain with example

What is bit field operator?

Explain with example MCA solved c Programming Exam  Question 2013-2014, What is bit field operator , bit field operator in c

What is bit field operator? Explain with example.

The declaration of a bit-field has the form inside a structure:

  type [member_name] : width ;
Below the description of variable elements of a bit field:
An integer type that determines how the bit-field's value is interpreted. The type may be int, signed int, unsigned int.
The name of the bit-field.
The number of bits in the bit-field. The width must be less than or equal to the bit width of the specified type.
The variables defined with a predefined width are called bit fields. A bit field can hold more than a single bit for example if you need a variable to store a value from 0 to 7 only then you can define a bit field with a width of 3 bits as follows:
  unsigned int age : 3;
} Age;
The above structure definition instructs C compiler that age variable is going to use only 3 bits to store the value, if you will try to use more than 3 bits then it will not allow you to do so. Let us try the following example:
  unsigned int age : 3;
} Age;
int main( )
   Age.age = 4;
   printf( "Sizeof( Age ) : %d\n", sizeof(Age) );
   printf( "Age.age : %d\n", Age.age );
   Age.age = 7;
   printf( "Age.age : %d\n", Age.age );
   Age.age = 8;
   printf( "Age.age : %d\n", Age.age );
   return 0;
When the above code is compiled it will compile with warning and when executed, it produces the following result:
Sizeof( Age ) : 4
Age.age : 4
Age.age : 7
Age.age : 0

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