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Showing posts with label palindrome checking using doubly linked list in c. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palindrome checking using doubly linked list in c. Show all posts

Check whether a Singly Linked List is a Palindrome

palindrome checking using doubly linked list in c

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C Program to Check whether a Singly Linked List is a Palindrome 

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
 struct node { int num; struct node *next; };
 int create(struct node **);
 int palin_check (struct node *, int);
 void release(struct node **);
 int main()
 {   struct node *p = NULL;
 int result, count; printf("Enter data into the list\n");
 count = create(&p); result = palin_check(p, count);
 if (result == 1) { printf("The linked list is a palindrome.\n"); }
else {
 printf("The linked list is not a palindrome.\n"); }
 release (&p); return 0; }
 int palin_check (struct node *p, int count) { int i = 0, j;
 struct node *front, *rear;
while (i != count / 2) { front = rear = p; for (j = 0; j < i; j++
) { front = front->next; }
 for (j = 0; j < count - (i + 1); j++) { rear = rear->next; } if (front->num != rear->num)
 { return 0; }
else { i++; } } return 1; } int create (struct node **head)
{ int c, ch, count = 0; struct node *temp; do { printf("Enter number: ");
 scanf("%d", &c); count++;
 temp = (struct node *)
malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp->num = c; temp->next = *head; *head = temp; printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0]: ");
 scanf("%d", &ch); }  while (ch != 0); printf("\n"); return count; }

 void release (struct node **head) { struct node *temp = *head; while ((*head) != NULL)
{ (*head) = (*head)->next; free(temp); temp = *head; }

  • palindrome checking using doubly linked list in c
  • java program palindrome with linked lists
  • palindrome linked list python
  • a sorted array has been rotated r times to the left. find r in least possible time.
  • given a string, find the largest palindrome substring.
  • doubly linked list palindrome
  • palindrome list geeks
  • palindrome list interviewbit

C Program example List